The corporatist idiom of Ioannis Metaxas

In the texts of the dictatorship of the Fourth of August, and particuliarly in the speeches of Ioannis Metaxas, the basic elements of the Regime's economic perception can be traced. The fundamental unifying element in this speculation was the demand for a state-directed economy. Influenced by the model of the 'corporation theory' (corporatism) in neighbouring Italy, Metaxas introduced popularist practices and measures, while at the same time continuing to guarantee the role of a strong local trade capital. However, the views of the dictatorship were characterized by their piecemeal nature and realism. Apart from the clear condemnation of Capitalism and Communism, the belief in a stable policy, and the absolute priority of the role of state will versus individual benefit, no integrated theory was formulated in the dictatorship's five-year term of office.