Society and its representations, 1923-1940
The changes that Greek society underwent in the period between the Catastrophe and Occupation (1923-1940) were frequently caught on film. The exchange and, more importantly, the settlement of refugee populations is a natural focus of interest. There is visual/audio material available for a number of other issues, such as for example social life in the households of the bourgeoisie and the workers, the process of reconstruction, urbanization, social protests, rural communities, etc.
The period of Metaxas is worth mentioning as it constitutes a step forward from the past. The special importance that the Regime bestowed on political advertizement and propaganda is obvious. The systematic attempt at a 'social' utilization of images was based on a modification of photographic practice following well-tried propaganda rules (e.g. National Socialist Germany). In this sense, the realism of Metaxas was a privileged workshop which can claim paternity of a new representative style in Greece. In this context it must be noted that images, together with the language, belong to the framework of state intervention mediated through the institution of censorship.